For Professionals

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The SSP is an auditory intervention informed by Polyvagal Theory.

  • Polyvagal Theory (PVT) was developed by Stephen Porges as a way of understanding how our autonomic nervous system (ANS) responds to everyday or overwhelming stressors. The ANS has 3 main branches:

    1. Mobilization - previously known as Fight/Flight this branch responds when we are in danger with sympthetic activation that allows us to fight back or get away.

    2. Immobilization - also known as Collapse - activated when we are faced with life threat and results in our body shutting down and feeling numb.

    3. Social Engagement - activated when we feel safe and connected to others. We are relaxed and open to connection and is shown in our facial expressions and tone of voice.

    According to the PVT, these we move through these states throughout the day and they are controlled by the vagus nerve.

  • Anyone who experiences symptoms of overwhelm can benefit from the SSP. It is particularly useful for anyone who experiences the following symptoms:

    Auditory sensitivity

    Chronic anxiety



    Post-traumatic stress disorder

    Relationship difficulties

    Social anxiety

    Separation anxiety

    Behavioral acting out


    Learning problems

    Sleep problems

    Self medicating (overeating, shopping, gambling)

  • Item description
  • Once a referral is made an intake appointment is scheduled and provided over telehealth. This is a very thorough intake that lets us know if the individual would benefit from the SSP and if there are any contraindications. Contact with referring clinician and any other treatment providers is a part of this intake process. The results are shared with Dr. Chris Lawrence for recommendations.

    An education session is the next step, which involves providing information to the individual about the recommendations, the reason for the recommendations and next steps. Educaton about the nervous system is also a part of the meeting.

    SSP sessions are then scheduled with the individual. Sessions are offered via telehealth in the clients home for ease and comfort. Music is provided via a phone app that the clinician controls. Sessions last between 15 and 30 minutes at a time and will occur 2 to 3 times per week until the 5 hours of listening is completed. Sessions are attended by a trained clinician to offer support, suggestions and interventions if needed.

    Once the intervention is completed, 1 or 2 education sessions are scheduled to review changes noticed and to teach ways to enhance the benefits.

    Pre and post questionnaires are sent to individuals to allow us to measure changes in anxiety, depression and trauma symptoms.

  • As a referring clinician you are an important part of the process. We will consult with you about the individuals progress in therapy and their level of functioning with regard to symptoms of trauma such as flashbacks, sleep disturbance, nightmares, etc. We may determine that the individual would not be best served by the SSP at the time of referral. The reason for this is usually because the individual is too acutely affected by trauma symptoms. While the SSP can help with trauma symptoms, if there are severe symptoms occurring such as chronic disassociation, severe flashbacks, etc. then the SSP might make things worse. In this case we generally recommend that the individual participate in EMDR, Brainspotting or another evidence based treatment to reduce the intensity of those symptoms.

    We will also answer any questions you may have about the SSP and give you more information about what to expect to see in the individual. We encourage participants to see their therapist regularly during the process as it is possible that emotional issues will surface and need to be processed.

    We are also very willing to consult as things go along if you have questions or suggestions.

    Finally, it is possible to administer the SSP during your therapy sessions with your client. This might be recommended because we have determined that the relationship between you and the client is such that it would be beneficial to have you involved. In this case we would attend the first 15 minutes of your session via telehealth to administer the intervention.


Professional Consultation

Are you interested in learning more or curious if the Safe & Sound Protocol may benefit one of your clients? Request a consultation below and a clinician will reach out to discuss clinical considerations and possible treatment collaborations.